Member How-Tos

Welcome to the Members Only Area!

NAGDCA's members-only site is where you can update your member profile, access member directoriesaccess and pay open invoices, and share plan information.

Update your Contact Information -

  1. Log in and open "My Profile" from the "Quick Links" menu to the right.
  2. Once inside your profile, select "Edit." 
  3. Update your information and select "Save." 

Access and Pay Open Invoices - Industry Member Dues and Event Registrations

  1. Log in and open "My Profile" from the "Quick Links" menu to the right.
  2. Once inside your profile, select "Invoices." 
  3. Click on the Invoice ID number to open the invoice.
  4. Select "Pay Invoice" to pay online or select "Download Invoice" to print and mail with check payment. 

 Access and Pay Open Invoices - Government Membership Dues

  1. Log in and open "My Profile" from the "Quick Links" menu to the right. 
  2. Once inside your profile, select "My Organization" - "Member Invoices."
  3. Click on the Invoice ID number to open the invoice.
  4. Select "Pay Invoice" to pay online or select "Download Invoice" to print and mail with check payment. 

 Add or Remove Linked Employees (Government Primary Members Only) -

  1. Log in and open "My Profile" from the "Quick Links" menu to the right.
  2. Select “My Organization” in the top menu
  3. Once inside your organization's profile, select "Org Members" in the secondary menu
  4. Select "Create Linked Profile" to add a new member from your organization
    • New members will receive a welcome email within one week
  5. Hover over the blank space next to a contact’s name and select "Unlink" to remove a member from your organization.

Please note, newly added individuals will not show in the member directory until staff has reviewed their profile and opted them into the directory.

Share Plan Information (Government Primary Members Only) -  

  1. Click here to access the plan information form. 
  2. Complete and submit the form with your plan's information.